Personal Stuff and Interesting Tech I Like

Active HTB - Writeup

doing some AD practice, so here's a write up for an easy box from HTB - Active! here we enumerate the ports, very typical of an AD machine: Imgur the most interesting here is the SMB, as we can try to authenticate a null session and potentially access a share.

enum4linux shows that there is an anonymously enabled share: Imgur

through further enumeration, we find an xml file in the smb share that contains credentials for SVC_TGS (a service account)


in there, we can simply use gpp-decrypt (already included in Kali) to parse the password in the XML file and find the password to the service account


using these credentials, we can now access more shares of the SMB

smbclient //active.htb/Users -U active.htb/svc_tgs


in here we find the user.txt

as we've compromised an account but don't have access to the machine, we can try Kerberoasting and abusing a service ticket to provide us with hashes of Kerberoastable accounts that we can try and crack

the clock skew prevented the kerberoast from working normally, so i use ntpdate to set it to the machine's time


and we've found a hash for the Administrator user!

now all that's left is to put it into hashcat

sudo hashcat -m 13100 Administrator.hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt  --force


and there we have it! now we just have to access the Users share with the Administrator user and grab root.txt.

#htb #writeup